We designed a winter-themed activity for a drop-in family night at the Hadley Public Library in Denver. Families could collaborate in a light-up snowflake mural, build dancing creatures with Lego WeDo and create interactive characters using Scratch and Makey Makey.
Call for Digital Privacy Interviews with Parents and Kids
Parents, Share Your Perspectives on Computational Toys&Kits with Us
Share your insights and get 20 dollars! We are looking for parents who have a 3-9 years old child and the child has experience with coding toys and apps, such as ScratchJr, Code-a-pillar, and Cubetto. Please go to http://bit.ly/cutoy and schedule a 50 minute Skype meeting with us!
Craft sign lab and reflections on collaborative creative processes
2018 Maker Faire
Hello World!
We're excited to launch our new website for our Creative Communities research group. Our group is exploring how we can engage people to create, play, and learn together. We want to support people to create things they care about, to see themselves as creators, and to see the ways they can shape the world around them.