

Rusk, N., Jain, R., Martin, C., Roque, R., Freitas, J.A., and Malaodi, L. (2024) Honoring practices of community-based educators: lessons learned from the collaborative design of a creative mobile app. Learning Media and Technology. (LINK)

Ruppert, J., Kumar, P., Howard, A., Roque, R., and Shapiro, R.B. (2024) Expectations vs reality: teenager views of institutional privacy. Information, Communication & Society. (LINK)

Hayden, R. & Roque, R. (2024) Lines of infrastructuring: Revealing and tracing educators’ infrastructuring practices across design implementations. In Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS ‘24). Buffalo, NY. (LINK)

Hayden, R. & Roque, R. (2024) Disrupting a cycle of disciplinary harm: Confronting ghosts in creative computing endeavors with out of school educators. In Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS ‘24). Buffalo, NY. (LINK)

Moreno, C., Shalf, M., Roque, R. (2024) Visualizing the unseen design work of educators. In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ‘24). Copenhagen, Denmark. (LINK)

Roque, R. (2024) Joy as an Aesthetic: Reflections on Designing Transformative Learning Experiences. Adapted talk for the Jan Hawkins Award for Early Career Contributions to Humanistic Research and Scholarship in Learning Technologies at AERA 2024 and Colorado Library Association Maker Workshop. Philadelphia, PA and Greely, CO (respectively).

Yu, J., Xu, T., Kelley, C., Ruppert, J., & Roque, R. (2024) Leveraging physical activities to support learning for young people via technologies: An examination of educational practices across the field. Review of Educational Research. (LINK)


Roque, R., Hladik, S., Moreno, C., & Hayden, R. (2023). Surfacing the complex conceptions of equity across making and tinkering spaces. Information and Learning Sciences, 124(7/8), 221-239. (LINK)

Hayden, R., Hladik, S., & Roque, R. (2023) Expanding and focusing infrastructuring analysis for informal STEM education. In Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS ‘23) Conference. (PDF)

Moreno, C., Roque, R. (2023) Revealing the Tuning Practices of Creative Learning Experience Designers. In Proceedings of the ACM Creativity and Cognition (C&C ‘23) Conference. (LINK)

Roque, R. (2023) Imagining Alternative Visions of Computing: Photo-Visuals of Material, Social, and Emotional Contexts from Family Creative Learning. In Proceedings the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC ‘23) Conference. Chicago, IL, USA. (pp.68-81) (LINK)

Ruppert, J., Velazquez-Ramos, D., Roque, R., & Shapiro, R.B. (2023) Taking play and tinkering seriously in AI education: Cases from Drag vs AI teen workshops. Learning, Media, and Technology. (pp. 1-15) (LINK)

Yu, J., Hayden, R., Roque, R. (2023) Exploring Computational Thinking with Physical Play through Design. Proceedings the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC ‘23) Conference. Chicago, IL, USA. (pp. 124-136) (LINK)

Yu, J., Widman, S., & Roque, R. (2023) Family Negotiation in Joint Media Engagement with Creative Computing. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘23). Hamburg, Germany. (LINK)


Livingstone, S. , Bulger, M., Burton, P., Day, E., Lievens, E., Milkaite, I., De Leyn, R, Martens, M, Roque, R., Sarikakis, K, Stoilova, M and De Wolf, R (2022) Children’s privacy and digital literacy across cultures: implications for education and regulation. In: Pangrazio, Luci and Sefton-Green, Julian, (eds.) Learning to Live with Datafication: Educational Case Studies and Initiatives from Across the World. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 184 - 200. (LINK)

Moreno, C., Hladik, S., Roque, R., & Hayden, R. (2022). Challenges in Facilitating Computational Experiences in Informal Learning Environments. Connected Learning Summit 2022. (LINK)

Roque, R. and Tamashiro, M. (2022) Making Learning Visible in Constructionist Learning Contexts. In Proceedings of the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC ‘22) Conference. (pp. 69-81) Braga, Portugal. (Best Pictorial | LINK)

Yu, J. and Roque, R. (2022) Young Children’s Perceptions of Coding and Implications. In Proceedings of the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC ‘22) Conference. (pp. 448-451) Braga, Portugal. (LINK)

Widman, S., Hayden, R., Stamatis, K., & Roque, R. (2022) Disruptions, dissent, and discontinuities: What tensions in intergenerational learning dynamics reveal about learning design. In Chinn, C. Tan, E., Chan, C. & Yael, K, International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices (ICLS) 2022. Virtual. (pp. 1613-1616) (LINK)


Yu, J., Granados, J., Hayden, R., Roque, R. (2021) Parental Facilitation of Young Children’s Technology-based Learning Experiences from Nondominant Groups During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 5, CSCW2, Article 307 (October 2021), 27 pages. (LINK)

Roque, R., Tamashiro, M., McConnell, K., Granados, J. (2021) Opportunities and Limitations of Construction Kits in Culturally Responsive Computing Contexts: Lessons from ScratchJr and Family Creative Learning. In Proceedings of the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC '21) Conference. Athens, Greece. (Honorable Mention for Best Paper | LINK)

Yu, J., Devore, A., and Roque, R. (2021) Parental Mediation for Young Children’s Use of Educational Media: A Case Study with Computational Toys and Kits. In Proceedings CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘ 21). Yokohama, Japan. ACM. New York, NY USA. (LINK)

Roque, R. and Widman, S. (2021) Engaging families in computational literacy opportunities. In Lopez, E., Mehra, B., & Caspe, M. (Eds.), A Librarian’s Guide to Engaging Families in Learning. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.


Yu, J., Ruppert, J., Roque, R., and Kirshner, B. (2020) Youth Civic Engagement Through Computing: Cases and Implications. ACM Inroads. 11, 4, 42-51. (LINK)

Roque, R. (2020) Building projects, building relationships: Designing for family learning. In Holbert, N., Berland, M., & Kafai, Y. (Eds.), Designing Constructionist Futures: The Art, Theory, and Practice of Learning Designs. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (LINK)

Roque, R. (2020) Qualities of Identity Resources in Creative Computing Activities. In Gresalfi, M. & Horn, I.S., The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 1 (pp. 207-214). Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences. (LINK)

Yu, J., Bai, C. & Roque, R. (2020) Considering Parents in Coding Kit Design: Understanding Parents’ Perspectives and Roles. In the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘20), Honolulu, HI, USA. (LINK)

Yu, J., Zheng, C., Tamashiro, M., Gonzalez-millan, C. & Roque, R. (2020) CodeAttach: Engaging Young Children in Computational Thinking Through Physical Play Activities. In Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20), February 9–12, 2020, Sydney, NSW, Australia. (LINK)


Yu, J. & Roque, R. (2019) A Review of Computational Toys and Kits for Young Children. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. 21: 17–36. (LINK)

Roque, R. & Stamatis, K. (2019) It’s about relationships: Examining facilitation as a relational practice. Proceedings in the 2019 Connected Learning Summit. Irvine, CA. (PDF)

Widman, S. & Roque, R. (2019) Parent perspectives on interfacing with computing opportunities in library settings. Proceedings in the 2019 Connected Learning Summit. Irvine, CA. (PDF)

Tamashiro, M., Burd, L., Roque, R. (2019) Creative Learning Kits for Physical Microworlds: Supporting the making of meaningful projects using low-cost materials. Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC). Boise, ID. (LINK)

Roque, R. & Rusk, N. (2019) Youth perspectives on their development in a coding community. Information and Learning Sciences. 120 (5/6): 327-348. (LINK)

2018 & Before

Roque, R. & Jain, J. (2018) Becoming facilitators of creative computing in out-of-school settings. Proceedings in the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). London, U.K. (Finalists for Best Paper | LINK)

Yu, J. & Roque, R. (2018) A survey of computational kits for young children. In the ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ‘18). Trondheim, Norway. (Student Best Paper Award | PDF)

Powell, D., Gyory, P., Roque, R., & Bruns, A. (2018) The telling board: An interactive storyboarding tool for children. Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference. Trondheim, Norway (PDF)

Roque, R., Lin, K., & Liuzzi, R. (2016) "I'm not just a mom": Parents developing multiple roles in creative computing. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Singapore. (Finalists for Best Paper) (LINK)

Roque, R., Dasgupta, S., Costanza-Shock, S. (2016) Children's civic engagement in the Scratch Online Community. Social Science. 5(4): 1-17. (HTML)

Roque, R. (2016). Family Creative Learning. In Peppler, K., Kafai, Y., & Halverson, E. (Eds.) Makeology in K-12, Higher, and Informal Education. New York, NY: Routeledge.

Roque, R, Rusk, N., Resnick, M. (2016). Supporting diverse and creative collaboration in the Scratch online community. In Cress, U., Jeong, H., and Moskaliuk, J. (Eds.) Mass Collaboration and Education. Springer. (LINK)

Roque, R. (2015). Connecting creativity and coding: Creativity in the context of skills, literacy, and learning. In Cortesi, S. and Gasser, U. (Eds.) Digitally Connected. (pp. 57-59) The Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection. (PDF)