Creative Communities at ISLS, IDC, FAccT, C&C, and PML

This summer, our Creative Communities research group will be presenting our work at ISLS, FAccT, IDC, C&C, and PML. We look forward to sharing our work more broadly, especially as many conference and gatherings are in-person again. We’ll feature our work studying family learning, infrastructures of informal learning settings, embodied algorithmic tinkering, physical play and computing, and facilitating computational tinkering.

To start, our team will be at the annual conference of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). We'll be presenting our infrastructure analysis from interviews with educators in our Facilitating Computational Tinkering (FCT) research and we’ll be sharing what the kinds of consequential transitions that pre-service teachers experienced when we invited them to support families’ participation in the Family Creative Learning (FCL) project

At the ACM Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) conference, Janet Ruppert will be conducting a Drag vs. AI workshop along with the Joy Buolamwini and José Ramón Lizárraga from the Algorithmic Justice League. Janet wrote a blog post sharing her reflections on implementing and studying Drag vs. AI workshop.

At Interaction Design and Children (IDC), Junnan Yu will share some work from his dissertation exploring computing and physical play, and Ricarose will share a pictorial featuring photo visuals from FCL as provocations to imagine alternative visions of computing.

Later in June, Celeste Moreno will be presenting at the virtual conference for ACM Creativity and Cognition (C&C). She'll be sharing a pictorial that showcases the unseen and instrumental work of educators and designers of creative learning experiences in making and tinkering experiences.

Finally, in July, Celeste and Ricarose along with partners from the Tinkering Studio at the Exploratorium will be at the Play Make Learn (PML) conference in Madison, WI. We'll be conducting a workshop to engage participants in computational tinkering experiences.

At PML, Celeste and I will also be doing a presentation about our Facilitating Facilitators comics, visual stories that document the moves, dilemmas, and practices of informal learning educators supporting families in creative learning experiences with computing.

These materials are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (2005764, 1908351).